Enjoy this Video of the Ondo-no-Seto

Spot of Interest

The Ondo-no-Seto is a 90-meter-wide strait that runs between Kure City’s Kegoya Town and Ondo Town on Kurahashi Island.

Known for its two iconic bridges and boasting Japan’s shortest ferry route, the Ondo-no-Seto is a busy strait with ships of all sizes passing through its waters every day. The area around Ondo-no-Seto is also a charming place to visit with traditional Japanese houses, delicious food, and friendly locals. The linked video illustrates the appeal of Ondo-no-Seto. Sit back, enjoy the video and get a real sense of what this region has to offer.

Address 広島県呉市音戸町
URL https://ondo-cho.com/